Hi, I’m giofish!

My Message

Can we develop new, more sustainable building materials based on past knowledge? Can we decode the empirical knowledge of the past, translate it into modern scientific knowledge, and use it to develop new construction materials that are more respectful of the environment?
My research interests are centred around the development of low- and zero-carbon construction materials inspired by the past, tailored to tomorrow’s construction industry.
My multidisciplinary background allows me to understand the needs of the modern construction industry and bring these inside the laboratories where the new materials are developed. My expertise in the field of material culture (developed at the Institute for the History of Material Culture of Genoa, Italy) allows me to learn from the empirical knowledge of the past, and use this to further our knowledge of the past societies and to develop innovative construction materials.

Homines Dum Docent Discunt

(Men learn while they teach)

– Seneca


Donec pellentesque, enim vitae bibendum tempor, nisl purus mattis lectus, sit amet malesuada velit urna sed enim. In pretium leo sit amet nibh finibus porttitor. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed lacus metus, tempus ut condimentum ut, feugiat ut diam. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Vestibulum vel nulla vel purus bibendum tristique nec vitae nisl. Nunc ornare faucibus ligula sed commodo. Vestibulum et leo pulvinar sapien posuere convallis. Ut lorem mi, pharetra nec pellentesque eget, luctus eu ligula. Nullam purus purus, auctor quis semper mollis, volutpat eu velit.


Maecenas consectetur porta ipsum vel tempor. Donec porttitor risus ut molestie iaculis. Quisque odio nibh, auctor ut congue ac, vestibulum id erat. Phasellus vehicula at urna eget consectetur. Nunc egestas sem a venenatis scelerisque. Morbi feugiat nibh quis enim tristique, id placerat libero varius. Aliquam bibendum pretium tincidunt. Nam sit amet mattis turpis, laoreet interdum turpis. Sed placerat magna mi, id scelerisque urna semper tristique. Nullam consequat dolor vitae mi sodales varius. Aenean id turpis ante. Suspendisse suscipit aliquet ante, eu ultricies mauris porta id. Duis accumsan mi et nibh aliquam interdum. Nulla facilisi. Sed sed nulla neque.